Feet Treat 7 Holiday Foot Care Treats For Sore Feet
We should be thankful for our feet every day, but here’s how to step up your foot care routine and give your tired, sore feet a much deserved treat this holiday season.

The holiday season is typically a time of year when you give thanks for all of the blessings in your life, including your family, friends, home, happiness and health. But we happen to think it’s the perfect time to give thanks to your feet, as well. After all, your tired feet are responsible for pretty much all of the action you take in life, so why not shower sore feet with a little holiday foot care love?
We’re not suggesting you literally thank your feet at your holiday table in front of your golden turkey and crazy aunt Bertha, but at least consider these easy ways to treat your sore feet and give them a big thanks for all they do. After all, indulging in a foot massage, pedicure or other foot treat that gets rid of foot pain will help you enjoy all the good things the holidays have to offer — without foot soreness in the way!

Get A Foot Massage
Whether you get a foot rub from your spouse or splurge for a professional session, a foot massage is one of the best ways to spoil your feet. And it’s not just your feet that reap the benefits of a good foot massage; in addition to soothing sore, tired tootsies, a foot massage can improve your sleep quality, majorly reduce stress and even boost your libido and sex life. Take that, tryptophan!

Wear Comfortable Shoes
Thanksgiving kicks off a season of holiday parties in which you’re practically forced to squeeze your feet into uncomfortable party footwear for hours on end. So rather than torture yourself during the off hours as well, give your feet a little break by wearing flat, comfortable shoes on the non-party days of the season. Turkey Day is also one of the busiest travel times of the year. If you plan on taking a road trip or hopping on a plane to visit family, a comfy pair of travel shoes will ensure you reach your destination without blisters or the pained expression on your face you only get after trying Uncle Bart’s green bean casserole or hobbling around in painful footwear.

Get Your Feet Properly Measured
You might wonder how getting your feet measured is supposed to be a treat, but trust us when we tell you it’s one of the best things you can do for your soles and toes. Most Americans actually wear the wrong size of shoe, which can lead to foot pain, back pain, soreness, bunions, calluses, ingrown toenails and more. Do both your feet and the rest of your body a favor and hit your local shoe store for a professional measure using a Brannock device. It’ll be better than pumpkin pie, we promise!

Eat A Healthy Diet
Crazy as it sounds, what you eat has a direct effect on your foot health. For example, a sugar-filled diet can cause inflammation that irritates existing foot problems; a diet rich in red meat and alcohol can lead to gout, a type of arthritis that affects the big toe; and a poor diet high in sugar, fat and refined starches can lead to diabetes, a condition that causes circulation issues, foot numbness and other severe foot problems that may require amputation. Conversely, a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats keeps the structure of your feet strong, your foot skin soft and the rest of your body happy and healthy.

Indulge In A Pedicure
The easiest way to keep your feet in great shape (soft, nice looking, and free of painful condition like calluses and ingrown toenails) is to treat yourself to regular pedicures. If you’re already a fan of the popular foot treatment, then take a moment to book yourself an extra pedicure appointment for Thanksgiving week. If you’ve never had a pedicure before, check out this article on what to expect from the foot treatment and then dive in. After all, there’s a reason pedicure visits have nearly quadrupled in the past 20 years!

Visit A Podiatrist For A Foot Checkup
75% of Americans will experience a foot problem in their lifetime, meaning you have already dealt with a painful issue or probably will in the future. If you have any reason to believe you currently have a foot problem, give your feet a nice, big thanks by finally setting aside your fear and scheduling a visit with a podiatrist. For tips on how to prepare for your first podiatrist visit, check out our Podiatrist 411 article.

Put Your Feet Up
No doubt you’ve been in full on “running around like a chicken with its head cut off” mode since November rolled around. You’ve got an entire Thanksgiving weekend to plan, not to mention early Christmas duties to attend to, thankyouverymuch. Fortunately, everything can wait about five minutes so you can take a breather, drastically reduce your stress and make your entire body feel better. How, you ask? Simply by sitting down for a moment and (literally) putting your feet up. Elevating your soles and toes for even just a small amount of time helps reduce fluids that accumulate and cause soreness and swelling. It’s a small thank you to your feet that leads to a huge thank you from your body.
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